
Status Endpoints

Get Bitsign Status

GET:  https://api.bitsign.io/status

This endpoint returns several information about Bitsign Blockchain. Doesn't require any Header parameter



  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "status": "Running, healthy",
    "lastblock": 20201,
    "hash": "0x2c1b018d0cb86087f7e226459e998e6b7515bc6bf529833c90f8e3883d290c49",
    "timestamp": 1515282880,
    "explorer": "https://explorer.bitsign.io/block/20201",
    "bootnodes": [
        "enode": "enode://af49036045a5d1a03d0b92f80cd49b4a2d44cffe9f030edaadab88666326bf814cbebf66425e9be42fefd1d44faf87663a26dc5fe373f5dce2375bc5603fd2ea@",
        "client": "Parity/v1.9.5-stable-ff821da-20180321/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.24.1"
        "enode": "enode://c458190c609ec59d74c4a4857feb48c10f4675ab9bd8f57c750ee57c90b4fdf3d845b82da93bec958b8bb8d014774de85c1795ba54867430ca195977828011a0@",
        "client": "Parity/v1.9.5-stable-ff821da-20180321/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.24.1"
  "error": null

Get nodes information

GET:  https://api.bitsign.io/nodes

This endpoint returns the list of nodes


example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": [ "enode://8dbd67c79b74364596fac6816c1b0c188c85fb0cad46415ce310a6f9fba5cee713943bb9dfe1dd864081416fe91a9fa013f2ac21607826d79bcfe3d449e72b0d@",
  "error": null

User Endpoints

User Info

GET:  https://api.bitsign.io/api/v2/user?email={user_email}&password={some_password}

This endpoint retrieves token and Ethereum keys needed to interact with the rest of the endpoints.

Header parameters
name type description example required
email String Unique email address. alice@crypto.com yes
password String User password. usrpwd yes

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "username": "alice",
    "email": "alice@crypto.com",
    "ethereum": {
      "address": "0x31EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07",
      "keystore": {
        "crypto": {
          "cipherparams": {
            "iv": "4ab1957715b97dbb8865265eb92853aa"
          "kdfparams": {
            "c": 10240,
            "dklen": 32,
            "prf": "hmac-sha256",
            "salt": "7e83523025fc9c206fa2f1c8595014bd3f49172eb29a76c58dfb2587c505bdad"
          "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
          "ciphertext": "24bcef92589997d8de9c0c233be6e72225642586f52639f19eb51e6065181d40",
          "kdf": "pbkdf2",
          "mac": "5a01d5f2fa910156cd30bf2509bd9c991be409247eeb5c31422209f9d26572d0"
        "_id": "5b654f46892c0d552eb2a7d1",
        "address": "31EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07",
        "id": "bbe8c5a4-2f77-b53d-870f-659b49153589",
        "meta": "{}",
        "name": "",
        "version": 3
    "token": "79645a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480158742bb3"
  "error": null

New User

POST:  https://api.bitsign.io/api/v2/user

Create new user trough our API to get token access and pre-configured Ethereum keys. With the token you can query all other endpoints and interact with all blockchains and the Smart Contracts.

Body atributes
name type description required
email string Unique email address. yes
password string User password. yes
username string Unique user name. yes

Request example (application/json): 

    "email": "alice@crypto.com",
    "password": "some_crafty_password",
    "username": "alice"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "_id": "bbe8c5a4-2f77-b53d-870f-659b49153589",
    "username": "alice",
    "email": "alice@crypto.com",
    "etherAddress": "0x31EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07",
    "etherPrivKey": "0x5a01d5f2fa910156cd30bf2509bd9c991be409247eeb5c31422209f9d26572d0",
    "token": "79645a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480158742bb3"
  "error": null

Change Password

PUT:  https://api.bitsign.io/api/v2/user

This endpoint allows the user to changes their password. You must send the old password and the new one that must respect our security policies.

Body atributes
name type description required
email string Unique email address. yes
password string User password. yes
new password string User new password. yes

Request example (application/json): 

    "email": "alice@crypto.com",
    "password": "crafty_password",
    "newPassword": "new_crafty_password"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "_id": "bbe8c5a4-2f77-b53d-870f-659b49153589",
    "username": "alice",
    "email": "alice@crypto.com",
    "token": "79645a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480158742bb3"
  "error": null

Transaction Endpoints

Notarization TX

POST:  https://api.bitsign.io/eth/notarizetx

This endpoints uses data field input to create a notary transaction and include it in a new block. Transactions from this endpoints will be executed from Bitsign's main node to facilitate its creation. If you want to create your own transaction and send it from your account please use sendRawTX endpoint instead.

Body atributes
name type description required?
token string User token. yes
data string Data to notarize. yes
address string User ethereum address. yes

Request example (application/json): 

    "token": "65287a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844365ade",
    "data": "0x666cb025d4e8813e29a9955c37eb86586a3f150d8e50202b5da4040afa9c85a4",
    "address": "0x21EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07",

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "blockHash": "0x65287a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844365ade",
    "blockNumber": 1958,
    "gasUsed": 21136,
    "transactionHash": "0x666cb025d4e8813e29a9955c37eb86586a3f150d8e50202b5da4040afa9c85a4",
    "explorerUrl": "https://explorer.bitsign.io/tx/0x666cb025d4e8813e29a9955c37eb86586a3f150d8e50202b5da4040afa9c85a4"
  "error": null

Get transactions by user

GET:  https://api.bitsign.io/api/v2/transactions?token=token&hash=hash

This endpoint returns the transactions executed by the user. JWT token is a required parameter, but the tx hash is an optional parameter.

Header parameters
name type description required
token User token. String yes
hash Transaction hash. String no

Passing tx hash as a parameter will return information of the corresponding transaction if exist, elsewere will return the list of all transactions executed by the user.

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "created": {
        "by": "5b460f46892c0d552eb2d1a8",
        "date": "2018-07-12T14:41:06.074Z"
      "transaction": {
        "blockNumber": 441763,
        "hash": "0x666cb025d4e8813e29a9955c37eb86586a3f150d8e50202b5da4040afa9c85a4",
        "data": "0x42a46be94ae2242bdc13620cb065e64391059b8f909e27208293f462f3dd51669811446b3f8227c72bf6a1cf2628584429578b5d41756fbd02b40b45bfaf6de9"
      "_id": "5b476882892c0d552eb2a6a4",
      "__v": 0
      "created": {
        "by": "5b460f46892c0d552eb2d1a8",
        "date": "2018-07-17T14:24:20.847Z"
      "transaction": {
        "blockNumber": 459169,
        "hash": "0x0894280fb0574bb025726f5fdf69cb5ae72785cc186c77936870b22e40b6e69c",
        "data": "0x79645a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844376aa3"
      "_id": "5b4dfc14892c0d552eb2a654",
      "__v": 0
  "error": null

Raw Transactions Endpoints


POST:  https://api.bitsign.io/eth/signedRawTx

If you don't trust or don't want to use the keypair provided by Bitsign, you can always call this endpoint that will publish your offline signed raw transaction. Bitsign node will only handle gas cost and transaction publication, but you have to craft the entire transaction on your end. We will be releasing Bitsign tx library to facilitate this process soon.

Body atributes
name type description required?
token string User token. yes
env string Environment to deploy the smart contract. yes
tx string Signed data. yes

example : 

  "token": "65287a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844365ade",
  "env": "production",
  "tx": "0x65a2d5df2ed2f5e1d848ed214df65a2d5df2ed2f5e1d848ed214df65a2d5df2e"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "_id": "5a5ccafb6e04ee60282f3c0b",
      "__v": 0,
      "transaction": {
        "blockNumber": 26198,
        "hash": "0x295a9ebc3becf2bd508e8fbe16e7d61456aaf0f333faeafbfdc137c44a1fa78b"
      "created": {
        "by": "5a36ebc6e36eaa130e301e51",
        "date": "2018-01-15T15:38:35.580Z"
  "error": null

Smart Contract Endpoints

Deploy new Smart Contract

PUT:  https://api.bitsign.io/eth/contract

This endpoint allows the user to deploy a new smart contract.

Body atributes
name type description required?
token string User token. yes
env string Environment to deploy the smart contract. yes
args object Constructor arguments for each specified contract yes
type string Contract type to deploy. yes
value string Value in ethers to send to the smart contract. yes


This smart contract allows the user to notarize documents. In order to initialize Notarize contract the user must send an address, that will be set as the owner of the contract. The owner will be the only one that is able to notarize.

name type description
_user address Ethereum address that will be set as the owner of the contract.

example : 

  "token": "65287a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844365ade",
  "env": "production",
  "args": {
    "_user": "0x21EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07",
  "type": "Notarize",
  "value": "0"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "date": {
      "created": "2018-10-03T13:02:41.062Z"
    "owner": {
      "email": "user@mail.com",
      "address": "0x21EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07"
    "abi": [ {"..."} ],
    "events": [],
    "_id": "5bb4bdf1623ac07205d867c4",
    "type": "Notarize",
    "gas": 214506,
    "bytecode": "0x...29",
    "address": "0x154cD78cB526700c6547F7Ccd531858AFf485d4a",
    "encodedAbi": "0000000000000000000000006a5df2cdc6f2187eda8a4b4848b5bcb2a4537b07",
    "txHash": "0x528ff7a09bcc8ded727f405c568352fd865a2dfaa353e31ea2b6e096dd2ba938",
    "__v": 0,
    "contractExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/account/0x154cD78cB526700c6547F7Ccd531858AFf485d4a",
    "txExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/tx/0x528ff7a09bcc8ded727f405c568352fd865a2dfaa353e31ea2b6e096dd2ba938"
  "error": null


This smart contract allows the user to deposit funds in the smart contract and define a buyer and a seller. Each actor can release the funds to the other part based on pre established conditions. Also there is BSG arbiter which act as an impartial third party that can release the payment to one party in case the other part breaks the initial conditions.The sender of the transaction will be the arbiter of the contract.

name type description example
_seller address Ethereum address that will act as the seller. 0x..m3
_seller address Ethereum address that will act as the buyer. 0x..m3
_endTime uint estimated end time of the proccess, in unix time. 0x..m3

the value of the selling proccess should be passed in order to set funds on the contract.

example : 

  "token": "65287a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844365ade",
  "env": "production",
  "args": {
    "_seller": "0x21EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07",
    "_buyer": "0x21EA7fcdc6f2187e12dac64848b5BCb2A4537b07",
    "_endTime": "1539573172",
  "type": "Escrow",
  "value": "1"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "date": {
      "created": "2018-10-03T13:32:20.344Z"
    "owner": {
      "email": "user@mail.com",
      "address": "0x21EA7fcdc6f2187eDA8A4b4848b5BCb2A4537a54"
    "abi": [{"..."} ],
    "events": [],
    "_id": "5bb4c4e4623ac0720a54d7cd",
    "type": "Escrow",
    "gas": 379849,
    "bytecode": "0x...29",
    "address": "0xE2FA4c7FdcD36d9247B2DDa79af415764ad36B18",
    "encodedAbi": "000000000000000000000000987cd4e646c9d9981ee94c24a57841abb55f99e700000000000000000000000044751576b07eee07de3d8d5bfb9c8dd77add1744000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005b67ed4",
    "txHash": "0xe4103be516ceb4ffc6fadf7e0d652874be4ced404922fe0c0b14c53eaef9f8a3",
    "__v": 0,
    "contractExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/account/0xE2FA4c7FdcD36d9247B2DDa79af415764ad36B18",
    "txExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/tx/0xe4103be516ceb4ffc6fadf7e0d652874be4ced404922fe0c0b14c53eaef9f8a3"
  "error": null


This smart contract allows the user to notarize transactions.

name type description
_buyer address Ethereum address that will act as the buyer.
_seller address Ethereum address that will act as the seller.
_id bytes32 unique id of the transaction.
_date string Date of transaction perform
_value uint Value of the transaction
_hash bytes32 Hash of transaction, could act as a integrity
_status string State of transaction proccess
_shipping string Shipping progress

the value of the selling proccess should be passed in order to set funds on the contract.

example : 

  "token": "65258a6254d3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a654d15a6480844376aa4",
  "env": "production",
  "args": {
    "_buyer": "0x534cd4e646c9d9981ee94c24a33221abb55f99e7",
    "_seller": "0x44751576b07eee07de3d8d5bfb9c8dd77add1744",
    "_id": "0x08551a53",
    "_date": "5/5/18",
    "_value": "2",
    "_status": "purchased",
    "_shipping": "send"
  "type": "NotarizeTx",
  "value": "0",
  "password": "user1234"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "date": {
      "created": "2018-10-03T14:19:10.887Z"
    "owner": {
      "email": "user@mail.com",
      "address": "0x25EA7fcdc6f2187eDA8254d848b5BCb2A4537b07"
    "abi": [ {"..."} ],
    "events": [],
    "_id": "5bb4cfde623ac07205d867d4",
    "type": "NotarizeTx",
    "gas": 545091,
    "bytecode": "0x...29",
    "address": "0x2796bfA32e88eE558E3eB7a83E51FF1b55E225ad",
    "encodedAbi": "00...00",
    "txHash": "0x251sd9dcd5c7e44c96becd803ea286a66931821b506c3633c0f0f3c24e7b325a",
    "__v": 0,
    "contractExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/account/0x2796bfA32e88eE558E3eB7a83E51FF1b55E225ad",
    "txExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/tx/0x251sd9dcd5c7e44c96becd803ea286a66931821b506c3633c0f0f3c24e7b325a"
  "error": null

Contract Usage

GET:  https://api.bitsign.io/eth/contract/doc?token={token}&type={type}

This endpoint returns smart contract's ABI and functions to use its functionality.

Header parameters
name type description required
token String User token. yes
type String Smart Contract type. yes

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": [
        "constant": true,
        "inputs": [
            "name": "_data",
            "type": "bytes32"
        "name": "getProof",
        "outputs": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "address"
        "payable": false,
        "stateMutability": "view",
        "type": "function",
        "signature": "0x1b80bb3a"
        "constant": false,
        "inputs": [
            "name": "_data",
            "type": "bytes32"
        "name": "notarize",
        "outputs": [],
        "payable": false,
        "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
        "type": "function",
        "signature": "0xcbef362f"
        "inputs": [
            "name": "_user",
            "type": "address"
        "payable": false,
        "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
        "type": "constructor",
        "signature": "constructor"
        "anonymous": false,
        "inputs": [
            "indexed": false,
            "name": "_data",
            "type": "bytes32"
            "indexed": false,
            "name": "_address",
            "type": "address"
        "name": "Notary",
        "type": "event",
        "signature": "0x6daf688db5c79fe10fee0cf2f31d8bc8fbe535418562899c198aa744173011f6"
  "error": null

Call Contract Method

POST:  https://api.bitsign.io/eth/contract

This endpoint allows the user to read the state from the blockchain using contract methods. This endpoint will not alter blockchain state and therefore wont cost gas.

Body atributes
name type description required?
token string User token. yes
address string Address of the contract yes
env string Environment to deploy the smart contract. yes
method string Method of the contract yes
Args object Arguments of the method, if required yes
##### Request

example : 

    "token": "65287a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844365ade",
    "address": "0x534cd4e646c9d9981ee94c24a33221abb55f99e7",
    "env": "production",
    "method": "getBalance",
    "args": {}

example : 

    "success": true,
    "data": "10",
    "error": null

Aviliable methods

Notarize methods
name description args
getProof Given some data, returns the address wich performed notarize(_data) method - _data:  (bytes32) Notarized data.

Escrow methods

name description args
buyer Ethereum address that will act as the buyer. -
seller Ethereum address that will act as the seller. -
arbiter Ethereum address that will act as the arbiter, wich is the contract creator. -
value Value sended in constructor -
endTime estimated end time of the proccess, in unix time. -
getBalance This method will return the balance of the contract. -

Notarize tx methods

name description args
BSG_NODE Ethereum address allowed to execute whrite metods, wich is the contract creator. -

Execute Contract Method

PATCH:  https://api.bitsign.io/eth/contract

This endpoint allows the user to send a transaction to the node and therefore modify the blockchain state. Although this method will generally cost gas, there is no limitation about it when using BSG Chain and gas cost will be handled internally.

Body atributes
name type description required?
token string User token. yes
address string Address of the contract yes
env string Environment to deploy the smart contract. yes
method string Method of the contract yes
Args object Arguments of the method, if required yes

example : 

    "token": "65287a7593f3ee75b7264fc497401163e22dc596c86a561015a6480844365ade",
    "address": "0x534cd4e646c9d9981ee94c24a33221abb55f99e7",
    "env": "production",
    "method": "kill",
    "args": { }

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": {},
  "error": null

Aviliable methods

Notarize methods
name description args
notarize This method receive as a parameter a bytes32 that will be the evidence to be notarized. The owner of the contract will be the only one that is capable of execute this method. If the sender is not the owner, the tx will be reverted. After the evidence is notarized the Notary event will be raised with two parameters: the evidence and the address. _data:  data to sign.
Escrow methods
name description args
pay This method can be executed by the buyer or the arbiter. This method will transfer the balance of the contract to the seller address. After that, it will raise the Payout event with two parameters: balance and seller address. -
refund This method can be executed by the seller or the arbiter. This method will transfer the balance of the contract to the buyer address. After that, it will raise the Refund event with two parameters: balance and buyer address. -
kill This method can be executed by the arbiter only. It will destruct the contract and send the balance of the contract to its address. -
Notarize Tx methods
name description args
updateStatus This method can be executed by the buyer or the BSG node. Also it checks that the id passed is the same as one that user sent when deployed. The main purpose of this method is to update the tx status. After the method notarize the new tx, it raise the NotaryEvt event with the parameters: hash (bytes32) and id (bytes32) _status: (string): Status to update.
_hash: (bytes32) hash of the tx.
_id: (bytes32) Id of the tx.

| updateShipping | This method can be executed by the buyer or the BSG node. Also it checks that the id passed is the same as one that user sent when deployed. The main purpose of this method is to update the tx shipping. After the method notarize the new tx, it raise the NotaryEvt event with the parameters: hash (bytes32) and id (bytes32). | _shipping: (string): Shipping to update.
_hash: (bytes32) hash of the tx.
_id: (bytes32) Id of the tx. |

[Get deployed contracts by user

GET:  https://api.bitsign.io/api/v2/contracts?token={token}

This endpoint returns the contracts deployed by the user.

Header parameters
name type description example required
token String User token. ey..yk yes

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "address": "0xb42B83621125b8f523dC3ca197168439e139744D",
      "contractExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/account/0xb42B83621125b8f523dC3ca197168439e139744D",
      "date": {
        "created": "2018-03-15T01:13:21.932Z"
      "encodedAbi": "0000000000000000000000000593ce5dc23005d15bdf39be68e84ee83fd6b3be",
      "type": "Notarize",
      "txHash": "0xba1eb2c8ea051b66a24fa300b7c0eec0e7dc4d65552859e0221963658c1d504b",
      "txExplorerUrl": "http://explorer.bitsign.io/tx/0xba1eb2c8ea051b66a24fa300b7c0eec0e7dc4d65552859e0221963658c1d504b"
  "error": null


Deploy new ERC20 Token Crowdsale Smart Contract

PUT:  https://api.bitsign.io/erc20

This endpoint allows to create a new erc20 crowdsale. By this, user will deploy at same time:

For more information about this, visit the Token Crowdsale contracts section.

Body atributes
name type description required?
env string Enviroment to perform the method. yes
email string The user email. yes
args object The arguments required are the constructor arguments of the crowdsale contract, listed below. yes
name type description
name string The name of the token.
symbol string The abreviation of the token.
decimals uint The quantity of decimals which a token can be splitted.
rate uint The rate of the token.
wallet address The address that will hold the ethers after the ERC20 finish.
cap uint The top quantity of ethers that can be buyed.
openingTime date The estimated opening time of the erc20 crowdsale.
closingTime date The estimated closing time of the erc20 crowdsale.

Request example:

    "env" : "production",
    "email" : "user@example.com",
    "args" : {
        "_name" : "token example", 
        "_symbol" : "toe", 
        "_decimals" : "12", 
        "_rate" : "2", 
        "_wallet" : "0x407d73d8a49eeb85d32cf465507dd71d507100c1", 
        "_cap" : "12", 
        "_openingTime" : "14:54 10/08/2019", 
        "_closingTime" : "14:54 11/08/2019"

example : 

Juanma Laburo, [08.10.18 10:30]
  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "token": {
      "date": {
        "created": "2018-10-08T13:29:21.554Z"
      "abi": [{"abi, see "}],
      "gas": 525545,
      "bytecode": "",
      "address": "0x270A291141947458D34f17AF24A0D79Dc8dAB85d",
"encodedAbi": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000e4d54942142b328229aaee8c55e92600da4f680f000000000000000000000000de276ab4b4bb4b3fac891bb63a63a4789b98d4dc0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005bbc19b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005bafdcb0",
      "txHash": "0x9b0e855d5857f2a35933659e0e22a976f46ba27b3910cc5766e6719281eb94e2",
      "args": {
        "_token": "0xDE276aB4B4bB4b3FaC891BB63A63A4789B98d4dc",
        "_openingTime": 1539054000,
        "_closingTime": 1539226800,
        "_rate": 1,
        "_wallet": "0xe4D54942142b328229aAEE8c55e92600aD4F680F",
        "_cap": 1
    "date": {
      "created": "2018-10-08T13:29:31.291Z"
    "owner": {
      "email": "user@hotmail.com"
    "_id": "5bbb5bbb1f56a40b9d66957c",
    "description": "descripcion",
    "securityType": "Acciones",
    "species": "Securities",
    "__v": 0
  "error": null

View contract methods

This section explains how the user to read the state from the blockchain using erc20 contract methods. These will not alter blockchain state and therefore wont cost gas.

Required values

There are 2 possible endpoints, one for call token contract, and the another for crowdsale contract. To perform a view method user must send following values:

Body atributes
name type description required?
env string Enviroment to perform the method. yes
address address Address of deployed contract. yes
method string The name the method you want to execute. yes
args object The arguments required by the function. no

Generic Token Crowdsale Methods

POST:   https://api.bitsign.io/erc20/genericTokenCrowdsale

A list of possible methods to call is provided down.

Method Description Args
token This method returns the contract address of token being sold. -
wallet This method returns the address that will hold the ethers after the ERC20 finish. -
rate This method returns the exchange rate of the token. -
weiRaised This method returns the amount of wei raised up to the moment. -
cap This method returns the maxium amount of ether that will be raised in the crowdsale. -
capReached This method returns whether the cap was reached. -
openingTime This method returns the crowdsale opening time. -
closingTime This method returns the crowdsale closing time. -
isOpen This method returns true if the crowdsale is open, false otherwise. -
hasClosed This method ouputs true if crowdsale has finished, else returns false. -

Request example (application/json): 

  "env" : "production",
  "address" : "0x5bB04Ba324E9AD0016De0122cA19Ef69ED0B31ec",
  "method" : "token"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": "0x788E6cFb34db7933BF65099b69715Ee98828834F",
  "error": null

Generic Token Methods

POST:   https://api.bitsign.io/erc20/genericToken

There are several methods to call with this endpoint, listed down.

Method Description Args
totalSupply Retuns total number of tokens in existence. -
balanceOf Gets the balance of the specified address. owner (address):  The address to query the the balance of.
allowance Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. Returns a uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender. owner (address):  The address which owns the funds.
spender (address):  The address which will spend the funds.
mintingFinished This method returns true if minting is no more aviliable, elsewere returns false. -
isMinter Returns true if a given addres has mint permission, elsewere returns false account (address):  Address to check minter permission

Request example (application/json): 

  "env" : "production",
  "address" : "0x5bB04Ba324E9AD0016De0122cA19Ef69ED0B31ec",
  "method" : "balanceOf",
  "args" : {
      "owner" : "0x2AC34Ba324E9AD0016De0122cA19Ef69ED0B31ec"

example : 

  "success": true,
  "data": "0",
  "error": null

Write methods

PATCH:   https://api.bitsign.io/erc20 Endpoint for execute a write method over an ERC20 crowdsale. These methods change the state of blockchain, so requires gas usage by sender address. Elsewere, transaction will fail.

Body atributes

To perform a write method user must provide following values:

name type description required?
_env string Enviroment to perform the method. yes
_address address The address of the ERC20. yes
_method string The name the method you want to execute. yes
_args object The arguments required by the function. yes
_value uint The value in ethers. Mostly used when the user want to buy tokens. yes

Available methods

A list of possible methods to call is provided down.

Method Description Args
buyTokens Perform token purchase _beneficiary (address):  Address performing the token purchase
token.transfer Transfer token for a specified address. _to (address):  The address to transfer to.
_value (uint):  The amount to be transferred, in wei.
token.transferFrom Transfer tokens from one address to another. _from (address):  The address which you want to send tokens from
_to(address):  The address which you want to transfer to
_value(uint):  the amount of tokens to be transferred
token.approve Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender. _spender(address):  The address which will spend the funds.
_value(uint):  The amount of tokens to be spent.
token.increaseApproval Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. _spender(address):  The address which will spend the funds.
_addedValue(uint):  The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by.
token.decreaseApproval Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. _spender(address):  The address which will spend the funds.
_subtractedValue (uint):  The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by.


  "env" : "production",
  "address" : "0x6BCB63746ca81da8C7845f2Befc12B2a72372B57",
  "method" : "buyTokens",
  "args" : {
    "_beneficiary" : "0x6BCB63746ca81da8C7845f2Befc12B2a72372B57"
  "value" : "1"

retrieve deployed ERC20

GET:   https://api.bitsign.io/erc20 This endpoint allows user to retrieve a list of deployed contrats by user, as well as information about a specific contract instance

Body atributes
name type description required?
email string The user email. yes
id string The ERC20 mongoDB's _id. This value is returned for each contract owned by user in a non _id specified query. no

Request example (application/json): 

        "email" : "user@example.com"